
Last updated: September 30, 2023

I'm Altan Haan, a second year PhD student in the EECS department at UC Berkeley, advised by Alvin Cheung. I am affiliated with the Sky Lab. My research interests lie somewhere between programming languages, compilers, optimization, and parallel computing. Currently, I am investigating the intersection of database theory, systems, and the (parallel) scaling of computations over sparse and irregular data.

Previously, I was a Senior Software Engineer at OctoML, where I worked on the Apache TVM deep learning compiler. I received my B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Washington in 2020, where I was advised by the great Zachary Tatlock.

For content from 2021 and before, check out my old site at old.altanh.com!

About this site

This site was built with Pelican, mostly because Python is all I write these days (other than C++). The theme is tufte-css with very slight modifications. Math is rendered with MathJax.